
Meet Tim Owens: Boulter's New People Operations Manager

Written by Brittany Bachman | Jul 16, 2024 5:00:43 PM

We are excited to announce the newest addition to our team, Tim Owens, who has joined Boulter as People Operations Manager. Tim brings a wealth of experience and a fresh perspective to our organization, and we are excited about the positive impact he will have on our company culture and operations. We are also delighted to introduce Quiz, Tim's service dog. Quiz, a lovable Labrador, is a vital part of Tim's life and will also be joining him.

Tim's career journey is both diverse and distinguished. He spent 23 years with the New York State Police, retiring as a Lieutenant in Auburn, NY. Throughout his tenure, Tim responded to major events such as TWA800 on Long Island, Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, the 9/11 disaster, and numerous dignitary details and large events like PGA Opens across New York State. His experience in Internal Affairs transitioned him into the HR space upon retirement.

Since leaving the state police, Tim has worked in Operations, HR, and Organizational Development roles at a construction company, a trucking company, and a security system business. These roles exposed him to a variety of work environments and people, which he found fascinating.

Tim was introduced to Boulter by a friend who informed him about the open position. As he learned more about the company, he was increasingly drawn to Boulter's mission. "There is a real tangible output with hard-working people who improve the capacity of the customers and their workplaces. It resonated with me," Tim shared.

Reflecting on his career achievements, Tim values the small but impactful moments. "Professionally, I am proud of the little things that impacted everyday citizens by my actions or response to their needs. Whether it was a call for help, removing dangerous people, or community engagement, it was all impactful to each of those people," he said. Interacting with the public and having the privilege to protect and serve has been a rewarding honor for him.

Tim believes that creating a thriving workplace environment revolves around a sense of belonging. "Recognizing that regardless of your role, you are part of the success of the business is crucial. If the office garbage doesn’t get emptied, someone is affected. If finance doesn’t collect or pay the bills, we are affected. If sales don’t sell, we go out of business," he explained. Tim sees his role as engaging people and creating an environment where employees smile on their way into work rather than on their way out.

Tim is excited about the opportunity to use his experiences to enhance the work environment at Boulter. "I’m excited about the ability to use my experiences to build on the great work environment at Boulter. By engaging people, taking duties off the plates of people as a result of this role (so they can focus on their area of expertise), and getting into the field to spend time with the people that really make this business happen," he said enthusiastically.

On a lighter note, Tim shared a fun fact about himself: "I’m a softy for watching rom-coms with my wife. Yeah, the big bad trooper likes sappy movies!"

We're excited to welcome both Tim and Quiz to the Boulter team!

Pictured above: Tim's family with his wife Kristina and kids